how can we help your business?

You want to use IT to its full potential. It's there to help your business succeed - to improve efficiency, create happier workplaces, and give bigger profits.

Your business can benefit from our experience with a range of different clients and industries. Whether you're a small e-commerce trader or large public sector body, we'll be able to find an IT solution that's right for you.

You'll also be pleased to know that we only charge for time spent working, rather than for time spent discussing your needs. Typically our charge is £50/hour for consultancy, (prices excluding VAT). You'll also receive guarantees of reliability as all work is conducted in-house, in the UK.

We specialise in:

Networking: VOIP, DNS, Quagga/Zebra, LIR Management, WANs, RADIUS, Cisco and Procurve hardware, LDAP, layer-2 and layer-3 configuration.
Security consultancy: Secure networks, IPSec, firewalls, pentesting.
Mission-critical systems: failover, high-availability clusters, redundantly routed networks.
Hosting: Colocation, virtual Xen servers and shared. Plone. Apache. PHP.
Software development: Bespoke programs in C, C++, Python. Embedded systems.
The Web: content management, Internet applications, databases, e-commerce.
Give us a call on 0161 8629595 to see if we'd be able to help with your particular business needs.